Athlete's Home

In today's world, the design market is gradually dominated by Nordic and French styles. Minimalist style is especially sacred. This work is based on a minimalist aesthetic style, creating a space for the owner to serve as a private residence and guest. Using wood, concrete, and glass, pay tribute to John Pawson, a master of contemporary minimalism. The glass coffee table is a highlight of the entire space. You must be no stranger to design. It is one of a series of "river" tables designed by well-known American furniture designer Greg Klassen. tree). Based on the original design, the designer changed the curved river in the middle into a vast lake to make it more consistent with the overall atmosphere.
在当今,设计市场逐渐被北欧、法式所主导,极简风就显得尤为神圣了。这个作品便以极简主义美学风格为主,创造了一个供业主作为私人住宅及会客的空间。使用木头,混凝土与玻璃,对当代极简主义大师John Pawson致敬。玻璃茶几是整个空间的一个亮点。热爱设计的你一定并不陌生,它是美国知名家具设计师 Greg Klassen 设计的一系列「河流」桌子之一,其选用的木材来自回收的树木(往往来自即将腐烂的树,以及来自建筑工地的树)。设计师在原有的设计基础上,将中部弯曲的河流改为广阔的湖泊,使之与整体的氛围更加契合。
This is a dark-toned sedimentary space for entertaining VIPs or thinking quietly. From books collection to fine wine, from tables and chairs to every carefully selected decoration, it is not difficult to see the owner's pursuit of quality of life. John Pawson traveled to Japan when he was young, so he often appeared in the elements of Eastern Zen in his designs. We imitated this and opened up a bright spot in the minimalist space that can reflect local elements, make the house reflect the beauty of the east, and give the cold cement a little quaint, delicate and gentle. The atmosphere of the entire space on the ground floor will be more appropriate to life. It has a flexible and open layout and simple and restrained materials (water concrete, marble, wood, natural stone). It has a strong modern style and emphasizes the connection between indoor and outdoor, giving high-quality design. Natural and calm breath.
这是一个深色调的沉淀空间,用于招待贵宾或沉静思考。从藏书到美酒,从桌椅到每一件精挑细选的摆饰,不难看出业主对生活品质感的追求。John Pawson曾在年轻时游历日本,因此在他的设计中时常出现在东方禅意的元素。 我们效仿了这点,在极简空间中开辟了一个能体现本土元素的亮点,使住宅体现东方之美,也给冰冷的水泥多了几分古朴、细腻与温柔。 一层的整个空间的氛围会更为贴切生活,拥有灵活开放的布局和简单内敛的材料(清水混凝土,大理石,木材,天然石材),现代风格强烈并强调室内外间的联系,为高品质设计赋予自然而平静的气息。
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Throughout the space you will find a particularly important element in the minimalist style is the log. Most minimalist-style decoration will choose wood-colored flooring, because the wood has a moist texture, and the soft reflection characteristics of the wood give people a visual harmony. More importantly, the wood can absorb ultraviolet rays in the sun and reflect infrared rays. This is why One of the direct reasons for the warmth of wood.在整个空间内你会发现简约风里有个特别重要的元素,就是原木。大多数简约风格的装修都会选择原木色的地板,因为木头具有温润的质感,木材柔和的反射特性给人视觉上的和谐,更重要的是木材可以吸收阳光中的紫外线,反射红外线,这也是为什么木材能产生温馨感的直接原因之一。
