Just walk into this space and begin to count how many colors the designer has arranged? The owners are two young couples. From the home space, they are people who love life.走进这个空间就开始数设计师布置了多少种颜色?业主是两位年轻小夫妻,从家居空间就看出,是热爱生活的人。
The restaurant area focuses on retro green wall panels + golden dining tables and display cabinets. The reception area uses a simple white background wall and brown sofas. The minimalist living room with a light and luxurious taste is especially popular with girls.餐厅区域重点用复古绿护墙板+金色餐桌、展示柜,会客区就用了简单的白色背景墙和棕色沙发,整个极简中带有轻奢味道的客厅,特别受女生欢迎。