On Sinan Road, Shanghai, full of cultural flavor, the excellent historical building in 1930 itself makes this "old house renovation" full of retro flavor. Large-scale use of "retro green + white", with warm lighting and wooden furniture, the entire space is full of cinematic pictures.在充满文化气息的上海思南路,1930年的优秀历史建筑本身就让这个“旧房改造”充满复古味道。大面积使用“复古绿+白”,配合暖色调灯光以及木质感家具,整个空间充满了电影的画面感。

In conjunction with the "half wall" design, the 3.2-meter floor height enables the exquisite carving craftsmanship to be brought into play. The circular window itself breaks the symmetry with the corner windows.配合“半墙”的设计,3.2米层高使得精致的雕花工艺得以发挥,本身的圆形窗与转角处的窗户打破对称性。