As one of our key projects this year, "Old House Renovation", this space is still the renovation of a steep-topped old house on Yanqing Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai. While preserving the original wooden structure and brick walls, the Japanese and Japanese design style gives the entire space a visual impact of "new" and "old". The use of "Wabi-Sabi" elements also better interprets the "Dao Zhi The simple elephant is invisible".作为我们今年的重点项目“老洋房改造”之一,这个空间依旧是在上海徐汇区延庆路的尖顶老洋房改造。保留原始木质结构、砖墙的同时,日式和风的设计风格,让整个空间呈现“新”与“旧”的视觉冲击感,而“侘寂”元素的使用,也更好诠释了“大道至简 大象无形”。

