Form Us With Love

Form Us With Love designs sound absorbant panels from wood slivers, cement and water. “We were looking into manufacturers of woodwool cement board in order to install it in our new studio, It’s an interesting material; simple, good looking and environmental friendy. Besides, we needed to stop the echoing.” says Petrus Palmér, John Löfgren, Jonas Pettersson of Form Us With Love.

The process of making wood wool cement is quite simple: wood slivers is cut from logs, then mixed with water and cement and put in a mould to dry into shape. The result is a material that is environmentally friendly, water resistant,moisture and sound absorbant.

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The result is a material that is environmentally friendly, water resistant,moisture and sound absorbant. “Form Us With Love”工作室促成了这个项目并给这个具有60年历史的工厂带来了新的转机。终于,六边形的水泥木丝板诞生了,他们五颜六色,能组成漂亮的大面积墙面。