The space is divided into two floors. The first floor is divided into two areas, the entrance area and the negotiation area, which are mainly used for ancient bags and jewelry, and the second floor is mainly used for ancient watches and clothing.空间共分为两层,一层分为里两个区域,入口区、洽谈区,二层主要以中古手表、服装为主。整个风格偏温柔、高贵、优雅、知性,相信没有哪个女孩子会拒绝法式的浪漫。
The designer refined and refined the elements of the Art Nouveau period. Through the combination of perfect curves, European-style pillars, arches, printed wallpaper, etc., the height of this space was cleverly used to create a romantic and fantasy area.设计师整理提炼了新艺术运动时期的元素,通过完美曲线、欧式廊柱、拱门、印花壁纸等结合,巧妙利用了这个空间的层高,打造了一个浪漫且充满幻想的区域。