The scene of this new work is still a project in Beijing, a very warm family of three. As the French style of this year's "What White Fire", it is warm and romantic. If the color is the most advanced, it is still considered the most advanced colorless. And can be matched with any material and furniture.这次的新作现场依然是北京的项目,非常温馨的三口之家。作为今年“有什么白火”的法式风格,温馨、浪漫,如果颜色最高级,还是认为无色的最高级。并且可以和任何材质、家具搭配

It is different from the high-profile, luxurious and complicated of traditional French spaces. It retains the French elegance and light luxury tonality, and combines the design with the scenes of modern home life. Such a design will not have the oppression of the palace, but more relaxed elegance.不同于传统的法式空间的高调、奢华、繁复。保留了法式的优雅和轻奢的调性,结合现代家居生活的场景进行设计,这样的设计不会有宫廷式的压抑,反倒是多了轻松的优雅。