Another minimalist new work, a high-cold home dominated by "stone", the ingenious combination of stone, art paint and metal materials combine to create a space atmosphere that is "out of place" but full of personality.又一极简新作,以”石材“为主的高冷之家,石材、艺术漆、金属材质的巧妙搭配,组合出一种“格格不入”却又充满个性的空间氛围。

Minimalism, as an art school that emerged in the 1960s after World War II, is at the core of "Less is More". Emphasis on returning to a more essential and simple life is also a rational restraint on consumption desire. The designer has made bold creations after fully considering the needs of the owners.极简主义,作为二战后60年代所兴起的艺术派系,核心在于“Less is More”。强调回归更本质、简单的生活,也是对消费欲望的理性节制。设计师在充分考虑业主需求后,进行了大胆的创作。