This set of original design works can be regarded as a return to the natural wabi-sabi style.It looks dilapidated, but it is the highest state of design aesthetics.这套原创设计作品算是很回归自然的侘寂风了,看似残破旧 却是设计美学的最高境界。

As a basement space, the layout is mainly for meeting guests, leisure and entertainment, with the original ecological texture, deconstructed curves and curved surfaces, simple and low-key matching, and just the right white space.作为地下室空间,布局以会客、休闲娱乐为主,原生态的质感、解构的曲线与曲面、质朴低调配、恰到好处的留白。

Natural and unique soft furnishings, warm lighting, oriental Zen, textured texture, mottled walls, rough floors, you can see the beauty of simplicity and simplicity in the plain living space.天然独特的软装、温暖的灯光、东方的禅意、纹理的质感、斑驳的墙面、粗糙的地板,在平淡的生活空间中窥见质朴极简之美。

Source of inspiration|Axel Vervoordt (Axel Vervoordt) The world's most influential Wabi-sabi designer Wabi-Sabi | Wabi-Sabi.灵感来源|Axel Vervoordt(阿塞尔·维伍德)全球最具影响力的Wabi-sabi设计师 Wabi-Sabi | 侘寂