In this case, we call it "the home of eclecticism". Through various "mixes and matches", the nostalgia and creativity collide with a historical style that blends with the previous style, and it feels like a small luxury.这个案例我们把它称作“折衷主义的家”,通过各种“混搭”,让怀旧感与创造力碰撞出一种混合以前的历史风格,有种小轻奢的感觉。

The richness of the living room gives the tone of the whole space a "small and light luxury" taste. The half-wall design in the distance is quite "retro tone", with fish bones and light-colored floors with black and white carpets, and B&B+Toga sofas. I especially like the layout of Chinese and Western kitchens.客厅的丰富性让整个空间的调性有种“小轻奢”的味道,远处的半墙设计颇有“复古调”,鱼骨拼浅色地板搭黑白色地毯,B&B+Toga沙发。特别喜欢中西厨的布局,见南花砖很搭。

The bedroom space on the third floor is particularly cinematic, and the warm colors are already full of hazy atmosphere. The second-story bedroom uses more "heavy colors", but it is not dull. The overall style is unified, full of small and light luxury tones.三楼卧室空间特别有电影质感,暖色调的已经又充满了一丝朦胧气息。二层卧室则使用了比较多“重色”,但并不沉闷,整体风格统一,充满小轻奢的调调。
