This is a French-style house renovation project in Shanghai. As the daily residence of the B&B, commercial shooting and activities are also considered in our design. The Western-style "Wabi-Sabi" style, based on the original wooden structure of the old roof, is given a lighter and more luxurious and avant-garde renovation, hoping to be loved by more young people.这是一套在上海的法式老洋房改造项目。作为民宿的日常居住,商业拍摄和活动也是我们在设计时会考虑的。西式“侘寂”的风格,在原本木质结构老房顶的基础上,赋予更轻奢前卫的改造,希望能获得更多年轻人的喜爱。

The bedroom is our favorite, the balcony where you can be in close contact with nature, the sun comes in through the curtains, and everything is the most beautiful in the sleepy morning.很多时候我们都会对家居类的店铺情有独钟,一些独具设计感的家居软装,必定会为空间增色不少,在木结构尖顶的基础上,视觉上起到更加柔化的效果,它们独特而具有艺术感的存在,必定会增加到访客人的体验感。

The kitchens and study rooms that exist as functional areas are also based on wooden structural lines. The nude artistic paint makes the room full of natural artistic atmosphere.作为功能区域存在的厨房、书房,同样在木质结构线条的基础上,裸色的艺术漆让房间里充满自然的艺术气息。

The bedroom is our favorite, the balcony where you can be in close contact with nature, the sun comes in through the curtains, and everything is the most beautiful in the sleepy morning.卧室是我们最钟意的,可以与自然亲密接触下的阳台,阳光透过窗帘进来,睡眼朦胧的清晨,一切都是最美好的样子。
