Print Your City, the ground-breaking initiative conceived by the Dutch-based research and design studio The New Raw moves from concept to city scale. Following the XXX bench prototype presented last year in Amsterdam, Print Your City launches its first Zero Waste Lab in Thessaloniki (Greece), equipped with a robotic arm and recycling facilities, and implemented by Coca-Cola in Greece. Citizens can bring their plastic waste, design custom urban furniture and get actively involved in the recycling process. The lab closes the plastic waste loop with advanced technologies at local level. The New Raw proves that it is possible to 3D print street furniture from plastic household waste or flakes from grinded recycled products, by redesigning public spaces within the Greek city.
“打印城市”(Print Your City)是荷兰研究和设计工作室The New Raw发起的一项开拓性的计划,旨在通过回收塑料垃圾来重新塑造城市的公共空间。
继2017年在阿姆斯特丹推出的“XXX bench”城市座椅之后(点击此处查看),“打印城市”团队今年与希腊可口可乐公司合作,在塞萨洛尼基建立了首个“零浪费实验室”(Zero Waste Lab),提供先进的机械臂和回收设备,市民们可以在这里将他们回收的生活塑料垃圾通过3D打印转变为定制的城市家具。
“打印城市”(Print Your City)是荷兰研究和设计工作室The New Raw发起的一项开拓性的计划,旨在通过回收塑料垃圾来重新塑造城市的公共空间。
继2017年在阿姆斯特丹推出的“XXX bench”城市座椅之后(点击此处查看),“打印城市”团队今年与希腊可口可乐公司合作,在塞萨洛尼基建立了首个“零浪费实验室”(Zero Waste Lab),提供先进的机械臂和回收设备,市民们可以在这里将他们回收的生活塑料垃圾通过3D打印转变为定制的城市家具。